Expérience et Prédiction

Expérience et Prédiction
Une analyse des fondements et de la structure de la connaissance
Traduction par Wikisource .
The University of Chicago Press.



14. A cubical world as a model of inferences to unobservable things 
15. Projection as the relation between physical things and impressions 
16. An egocentric language 
17. Positivism and realism as a problem of language 
18. The functional conception of meaning 

III. An Inquiry concerning Impressions
19. Do we observe impressions ? 
20. The weight of impression propositions 
21. Further reduction of basic statements 
22. Weight as the sole predicate of propositions 

IV. The Projective Construction of the World on the Concreta Basis
23. The grammar of the word “existence”. 
24. The different kinds of existence 
25. The projective construction of the world 
26. Psychology 
27. The so-called incomparability of the psychical experiences of different persons 
28. What is the ego ? 
29. The four bases of epistemological construction 
30. The system of weights co-ordinated to the construction of the world 
31. The transition from immediately observed things to reports 

V. Probability and Induction
32. The two forms of the concept of probability 
33. Disparity conception or identity conception ? 
34. The concept of weight 
35. Probability logic 
36. The two ways of transforming probability logic into two-valued logic 
37. The aprioristic and the formalistic conception of logic 
38. The problem of induction 
39. The justification of the principle of induction 
40. Two objections against our justification of induction 
41. Concatenated inductions 
42. The two kinds of simplicity 
43. The probability structure of knowledge 
