Sujet sur Discussion utilisateur:Tpt

Candalua (discussioncontributions)

Hi Tpt, since today me and some other user are getting a "conversion failed" error when trying to export in mobi, pdf, rtf, txt (epub seems to work). I tried for example it:Capitan Tempesta which was working fine 2 days ago. Can you please look into it? Merci beaucoup Candalua (d) 23 avril 2017 à 16:44 (UTC)

Tpt (discussioncontributions)

It should work now. The tool was running on a buggy server. (discussioncontributions)

Hi Tpt,

I experiment the same problem today, so I am unable to export in pdf format. Is it because of a buggy server to ?

Best regards

Tpt (discussioncontributions)

Yes, still the same problem. I've setup a (bad) workaround. It should work now.

Viticulum (discussioncontributions)

Ça ne marche pas encore : 502 Bad gateway. Merci.

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