« Wikisource:Scriptorium/Avril 2019 » : différence entre les versions

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Ligne 107 :
And I am wondering that there is almost no Mozart's music in Wikisources. [[Utilisateur:Ankry|Ankry]] ([[Discussion utilisateur:Ankry|d]]) 4 avril 2019 à 11:18 (UTC)
:{{ping|Ankry}} even without lyrics, musical notation is a kind of writing that can be transcribe from image to « text », so it falls rightly into Wikisource scope. And indeed mul.ws seems to be the best place for them (and I would tend to say, even sheets with lyrics, but it depends on the context too, the place of publication doesn't matter much, or at least less than the language of the text accompanying the score or the nationality of the author). {{ping|Hsarrazin}} beside the ''score'' extension (activated on all wikisources AFAIK), which tool is relevant for music sheets? Cheers, [[Utilisateur:VIGNERON|VIGNERON]] ([[Discussion utilisateur:VIGNERON|d]]) 4 avril 2019 à 12:07 (UTC)
::{{Ping|VIGNERON}} No doubt about this. The question was just: which Wikisource. [[Utilisateur:Ankry|Ankry]] ([[Discussion utilisateur:Ankry|d]]) 4 avril 2019 à 12:20 (UTC)
== Régression sur modèle police gothique ==