Discussion:Le second Hamlet (trad. Hugo)

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Informations sur l’édition de Le second Hamlet (trad. Hugo)

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Contributeur(s) : À évaluer

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Sources en mode texte

Gutenberg Project

Sources en mode fac-similé

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Internet Archive

  • Format Djvu :

Internet Archive


  • Why is there only a french translation here and not Shakespeare's original? It makes little sense to me.

Le titre exact est : The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Marc 22:15, 13 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Weird. This is definitely wrong; the French translation should be at Hamlet (francais) or Tragedie de Hamlet, Prince de Denmark or whatever it is in French. Hamlet should be a redirect to the Shakespeare play. --Quuxplusone 02:09, 31 May 2005 (UTC)

We're about to move over to sub-domains soon. This is one of the problems we should wait to fix, that way we don't screw up the move in any way. I do agree, the English version should be at Hamlet, and it will once we have moved. Zhaladshar 14:23, 31 May 2005 (UTC)

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