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published in Phabricator tasks : T4085, T68051 and T173207
Content language, Page language and User language
Ligne 28 :
Développeur informatique depuis le 8080, PC, MAC et Ubuntu, amateur de sciences, regarder ARTE, écolo, vie saine, yoga, jêune, argile, alimentation biologique, ail pour l'arthrose, urine pour la longévité, né en 1948.
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== Content language, Page language and User languageslanguage in Lua code ==
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* published in Phabricator tasks : T4085, T68051 and T173207 :
Ligne 34 ⟶ 35 :
* langs.page_lang = mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess("{{PAGELANGUAGE}}") -- Returns the page language.
* langs.user_lang = mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess( "{{int:Lang}}" ) ) -- Returns the user language.
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== w3schools is usefull for CSS HTML tags button ...Lua code ==
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