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Tes pas erreront faiblement sur la rive
Des femmes sans fards et des passants obscurs,
La Maison des Morts sur ta forme plaintive
Fermera ses murs.
Sous l’azur et sous la pourpre de ses voiles,
La Nuit cachera ton rire d’autrefois…
Demain tu mourras d’une mort sans étoiles
Sous les linceuls froids.
… Thee too the years shall cover; thou shalt be
As the rose born of one same blood with thee,
As a song sung, as a word said, and fall
Flower-wise, and not be any more at all,
Nor any memory of thee anywhere;
For never Muse has bound above thine hair
The high Pierian flower whose graft outgrows
All summer kinship of the mortal rose
And colour of deciduous days, nor shed
Reflex and flush of heaven about thine head,