Page:The universal anthology - vol. 19, 1899.djvu/16

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Powers conferred by New Constitution Alexander Hamilton 
The Shipwreck and Virginia’s Death Bernardin de St. Pierre 
Strolling Players George Crabbe 
To Mary William Cowper 
School Games William Cowper 
Mutineers of the “Bounty” Sir John Barrow 
Gibbon and his “History” Gibbon’s Autobiography 
Cagliostro’s Predictions Alexandre Dumas 
Mistakes, Methods, and Crimes of the French Revolution Edmund Burke 
The Young Captive Andre Chenier 
Last Night and Execution of the Girondists A. de Lamartine 
The Revolution Bursts into Flame Charles Dickens 
Episodes of the French Revolution Thomas Carlyle 
Count Fersen 
The Return 
Charlotte Corday 