��celui, celle, he, she, that,
the one.
celui-ci, this one, the latter. les cendres, /., ashes, cent, hundred, cependant, in the meantime ;
nevertheless, however. le cercle, ring ; hoop ; com- pany.
la ceremonie, ceremony. la cerise, cherry.
certain, certain ; certains,
certain people. certes, truly, to be sure, un- questionably.
le cerveau, brain, intellect, la cervelle, brain, sans cesse, without ceasing, cesser, to cease, c’est-a-dire, that is to say. ceux, these, those, chacun, each one. le chagrin, grief, sorrow, chagrinant, vexatious,
annoying. la chaine, chain. la chaise, chair, le chambellan, chamberlain, la chambre, room, le champ, field ; field of battle, la chance, luck. la chandelle, candle, le changement, change. la chanson, song, le chant, song ; chants de
fete, songs of rejoicing. chanter, to sing ; to cele- brate ; to chant, le chanteur, singer. le chanvre, hemp. le chapelain, chaplain, la chapelle, chapel. la charge, load, burden, at- tack ; etre a charge a, to be a burden to ; re- venir a la charge, to return to the attack. charger (de), to load ; to entrust (with) ; se charger
��(de), to undertake (to) ; to take charge (of) ; to take the responsibility (of).
la charite, charity, beneficence, charmant, charming.
le charme, charm ; spell.
la charogne, carcass.
la charrue, plough ; valet de charrue, ploughman.
la chasse, hunt.
chasser, to hunt ; to drive
away. chaste, chaste, pure.
le chateau, castle.
le chatelain, lord of the castle ; les chatelains, lord and lady.
la chatelaine, lady of the castle.
le chaudron, caldron.
chauffer, faire chauffer, to heat, to warm ; se chauffer (de), to warm oneself (with).
la chaumiere, thatched cot- tage, chauve, bald.
le chef, chief, leader.
le chemin, way, road, path.
la cheminee, chimney ; fire- place.
la chemise, shirt ; shift.
le chene, oak. chenu, hoary. cher, dear.
chercher (a), to seek ; to try (to) ; chercher que- relle (a), to pick a quarrel (with) ; envoyer chercher, to send for.
la chere, cheer, entertainment; faire grande chere, to feast.
le cheval, horse ; a cheval, on horseback.
la chevalerie, knighthood, chivalry ; company of knights.
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