Page:Richard - Acadie, reconstitution d'un chapitre perdu de l'histoire d'Amérique, Tome I, 1916.djvu/432

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(Cf. Chapitre Dixième)

Appendix to Chapter LVII of Beamish Murdoch’s History of Nova Scotia. Vol. I, pp. 519 & 520.


On the 30th August, 1736, lieutenant governor Armstrong signed a grant of 50,000 acres of land at Chiconecto, called Norwich, in the county of Norfolk, in Nova Scotia, to 35 grantees, with all mines, &c. This is entered in the book of registry for deeds and grants, and on the margin is stated to have been escheated 21 April, 1760. It extends twelve miles, and is bounded by the Bason of Chiconecto and the creek Petite Nyagan, &c.

To the first grantee named, viz’t., Governor Philipps, 2-36, two thirty-sixth parts are given, and to each other grantee one thirty-sixth.

The grantees are —

Governor Philipps.
Lieut. Gov’r. Lawrence Armstrong.

Members of council —

Cosby, Mascarene, John Adams, Skene, Shirreff, Henry Cope, E. J. Philipps, O. Hamilton, and Edward How, esquires. — King Gould, Allured Popple, Henry Popple, Andrew Robinson and Henry Daniel, esquires. Messrs. John Handfield, Donald McQueen, Edward Amhurst, Archibald Rennie, Thomas Armstrong, James Gibson, Rowland Philipps, Charles Vane, Samuel Cottnam, John Hamilton, John Slater, John Dyson, George Mitchell, Wm. Winniett, Nathaniel Donnell, Peter Blin, George Craddock, Robert Baden, John Forrest.

The quit rent reserved was one penny sterling per acre, to begin 30 August, 1739, and another penny per acre, if the Crown require it, for provincial expenses. Minister’s and schoolmaster’s lots to be laid out. A space of one hundred yards wide along the banks of all creeks and rivers to be left open for ways and public uses. Fifty houses to be erected within three years. The grant to be annulled if the conditions are not performed.

(This grant was escheated 21 April, 1760.)