Mind (juillet 1893). — Prof. Jones. Idealism and Epistemology. — F. Granger, Aristotle’s Theory of Reason. — H. Laurie, Methods of Inductive Inquiry. — E. T. Dixion, On the Distinction between Real an Verbal Propositions. — Dr. James Ward, Assimilation and Association (I).
Discussions : The original Datum of Space Consciousnes, William James. — Prof. James on Simple Resemblance, F. H. Bradley. — Recent Developments of the Doctrine of Sub-Conscious Process, Hillen Dendy.
Philosophical Review (mai 1893). — Dr. Erich Adickes, German Kantian Bibliography. — Prof. Andrew Seth, The Epistemology of Neo-Kantism. — Prof. J. Mck. Cattell, Mental Measurement.
(juillet 1893.) — Prof. Mark Baldwin, Internal Speech and Song. — Dickinson S. Miller, The Meaning of Truth and Error. — Dr Erich Adickes, German Kantian Bibliography.
Discussions : Prof. E.-B. Titchener : Modern Psychololy.
J.-M. Baldwin, Elements of Psychology, New-York, H. Holt and Co.
Antoinette Blackwell Brown, The Philosophy of Individuality, New York and London, Putnam sons, 1893.
J. Bonar, Philosophy and Political Economy in some of their historical relations , London, Swan and Sonnenschein.
F. Chapman Sharp, The Aesthetic Element in Morality, and its place in a Utilitarism Theory of Morals, New-York. Mac Millan and Co.
H. Spencer, Principles of Ethics, vol. II. London, Williams a Norgate.