Page:Offenbach - Notes d un musicien en voyage 1877.djvu/228

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pliquer comme un guide vulgaire les beautés des sites que l’on découvre sur les rives du lac ; mais il contient un passage extrêmement curieux dont je suis heureux de pouvoir donner ici le texte et la traduction :

Howe-Point near the outlet of the lake is named in order to honor the idol of the army, Lord Howe, who was killed at this place in the first engagement with the French. Here it was that Louis XVI of France through the instrumentality of two french priests in 1795 banished his son the royal dauphin, when but seven years old, and arranged with one Indian chief Thomas Williams to adopt him as his own son. He received the name of Eleazer, and afterwards as the Rev. Eleazer Williams was educated and ordained to the ministry officiating for many years among the Oneidas of western New-York, and afterwards in Wisconsin where ho was visited a few years since by the Prince de