Page:ONU - Résolutions et décisions du conseil de sécurité, 1958.djvu/11

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in its territory and in Algeria’ (S/4013) ” 11 and “ Letter dated 29 May 1958 from the représentative of France to the President of the Security Council concerning : (a) ‘The complaint brought by France against Tunisia on 14 February 1958 (S/3954)’ :1" (A) ‘The situation arising out of the disruption, by Tunisia, of ilie ntodus vivendi which had been established silice February i 958 with regard to the stationing of French troops at certain points in Tunisian territory’ (S/4015) " 1 ! lemFmt : et en -lgi >■■■■ ■ 9 IHii’ 1958 » (S/4(L ■ ■ » et < 1 .".in n . J ;. ■ i ’ a. idi SCC au P : - : . ■ . . ■- sçſ,1 ;rn‘ de U i .

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in ■ . - • " ’ ■ ; ; <11 ■ S’AIT du r d ; O , . - ■ ■ • A ■ ’ ' . AI U > ùv ’ U • !Cl lOV ■ : : - ■■ :’ ?A ;.’■■■ Vf-At its 821st meeting, on 4 June 1958, the Council i A decided to postpone the discussion of the two items | de u- ’ on the agenda (see above) until 18 lune, m oidct ’v ! ms.. : permit the parties to hold conversations I ‘ Ai its 826th meeting, on 18 June 1958, the Council : congratulated the Governments of France and Tunisia ! iclu-’.-on having succeeded in removing their difficulties through i dkm < direct negotiations. 1 T 1 s • u)sit : a a. ! id COMPLAINT BY JORDAN Decisions A ; ils 831st meeting, on 17 July 1958, the Council, having included in its agenda the item entitled " ! etlci dated 17 July 1958 from the représentative of Jordan to the Presidenl of the Security Council concerning ‘Complaint by the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan of interférence in its domestic affairs by the United Arab Republic’ (S/4053) ”,13 decided to invite the represen tatives of Jordan and the United Arab Republie to participate, without vote, in the discussion of Te question. i j1 se 11 <lV !i ■ ■ ’idc SldlOi >o ’ ■ • ’ Jordaio . ■ >. ■ s . du R ■ ■. i i Si 3 ‘ la R.c pul. i ■ < n i ■

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(S/40’A ’ 1 t ’■ ’ . i ! U il !i Jord ;; ■ ■ [For the other decisions taken by the Council >n thiv question, see, under the heading “ Complaint b l ehanon ", que the decisions taken at the 841st, 834th and 837th meetings nm : and résolution 129 (1958).] u.>>. 11 Ibid., Thirteenth Year, Supplément for April, Mav ami June 1958. 12 Ibid., Supplément for January, February and Mardi 1958 13 Ibid., Supplément for July, August and September 1958. h ,