Page:Latocnaye promenade dans l irlande.djvu/15

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I Fulfil, at length, the engagements which I had contracted with the Encouragers of this Work. If it appears later than it was promised, let the difficulty of publishing a French book in a strange country, plead my apology. More pains have perhaps been taken to avoid typographical errors in this volume than in the first : Not having a French compositor, the labour has wholly fallen on myself, and while correcting, I may often have read what should have been written for what was really written ; I earnestly request of the reader to do the same, not merely with respect to the typographical part, but to the style and subject-matter.

Some pleasantry may have escaped me, but none I will be bold to say, that bears the stamp of ill-humour ; and I trust to the reader’s candour to make no meaning out of the book but such as a well-intentioned mind may be supposed to have indulged in.

Encouraged by the success of my first work, I passed over from Great Britain into Ireland, in the intention of publishing such another there, as much with a view to my own instruction, as to the utility it might be of to the country I visited. Not only have I been received with the greatest kindness, but I have been provided with every thing which could promote the execution of my plan. In taking the circuit of the Island, I have employed eight or nine months, during which