Page:Hilaire Le Gai (Gratet-Duplessis) Un million d’énigmes, charades et logogriphes.djvu/534

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In words unnumber’d I abound,
In me mankind do take delight ;
In me much learning still is found,
Yet I can neither read nor write.


Tho’ I am pierced a thousand times,
Yet in me not a hole is made ;
I notice give when Phœbus climbs
To drowsy mortals in their bed.


What force or strength cannot get through,
I with a gentle touch can do ;
And many in the street would stand,
Were I not as a friend at hand.


From the depths of the sea, from the foot of a rock
I am brought to the earth to do dirty work,
I’ve mouths to take in all the liquor I meet,
And am given to drinking, though never to eat.