“A battesimo suoni o a funerale,
Muore un brigante e nasce un liberale.”
“Toll thou for baptism or for funeral,
A brigand dies, a liberal is born.”
“A buon servente guiderdon non pere.”
“The faithful servant shall his guerdon have.”
“Ogni buon servire è meritato.”
“All faithful service meeteth its reward.”
“Servi e non guardare a cui, e averai de’ migliacci.”
“Render services, never mind to whom, and you will get your cake.”
“Che del servire al fin mai non si perde.”
“Good service ne’er is wasted in the end.”
“Non si perde servigio mai nessuno:
Servi qualunqne, e non guardar chi sia.”
“Good services were never labour lost:
Serve whom thou wilt, and ask not who he be.”
“Premio al ben servire
Pur viene alfin, se ben tarda a venire.”
“Every year of loyal duty past
Shall find, though late, its full reward at last."—(Hoole.)
Il premio al ben servir, se il meritate.”
“Ye may, if ’tis deserved.
Reward for faithful service aye expect.”