Page:C28 - Émeutes de Québec de 1918 - Témoignage du Capitaine Horace Scott BAnQ Québec E17S10D1661-918.djvu/1

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Témoignage du Capitaine Horace Scott[1]


Horace Scott, of the City of Quebec, in the District of Quebec, Captain, aged 23 years, being duly sworn upon the Holy Evangelists, doth depose and say :

THE CORONER : Do you recollect on Sunday having had a conversation by telephone — on Sunday afternoon or evening — with the Chief of Police of Quebec about some trouble in St. Rochs ?

A. Yes sir.

Q. Will you tell the jury what happened then, what was said then ?

A. It was in the evening, it was on Sunday evening.

Q. What time ?

A. Well, the mob was going towards lower town, that is, towards St. Paul Street and there was a telephone call in Col. O’Neara’s office. I was at that time in Col. O’Neara’s office. It was in French and I was asked to take the conversation. It was a very excited voice at the other end of the ’phone which said that we had promised a picket to be down in front — down at Palace Hill, that is, the foot of Palace Hill by the C.P.R. Station. He said the picket was not there, the crowd was coming, send them down right away by Palace Hill and to shoot at them. That was the conversation that took place then. After I asked who was speaking and I was told.

Q. Who ?

A. It was the Chief of Police Quebec. I repeated that conversation to Col. O’Neara.

Q. Did that conversation take place in French or in English ?

A. Took place in French.

  1. Titre ajouté par Wikisource pour fin de présentation.