Page:Baby - C.E. Casgrain — mémoires de famille, 1869.djvu/167

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« Dear Sir,

« Your favor of the 8th instant has just been handed me by this morning’s post. In conformity to your wishes, I loose no time in giving you an early answer.

« I must tell you frankly that the acceptance of office under Government would much interfere with my domestic habits, and that the strongest reasons only could induce me to do so ; such as being useful to my country and especially to this eastern Section of the Province, which, I am sorry to say, has been to much neglected.

« I will however very shortly follow this letter and by further explanations with you, see if I can accept of the office, in justice to myself and family as well as to Government. »

M. Casgrain se rendit immédiatement à Montréal, et après s’être entendu avec