Page:Angellier - Robert Burns, II, 1893.djvu/448

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The Journal of a Tour lo the Hébrides with Samuel Johnson, by James Boswell. London, Cadell and W. Davies, 1812.

lona, by the Duke of Argyll, second édition. London, Daldy, Isbister and C", 18^8•

A Summer in Skye, by Alexander Smith. Edinburgh, N. R. Mitchell and C", 1880.

The Hebrid Isles, wanderings in the Land of Lomé and the outcr Hébrides, by Robert BUGHANAN, a new édition. London, Ghatto and Windus, 1883.

The Historical Geography of the Clans of Scotland, by T. B. Johnston and colonel James A. Robertson. W and A. K. Johnston, Edinburgh, IS'ia.

The Highlands and Highlanders of Scotland. Papers historical, descriptive, biogra- phical, legendary, and anecdotal, by James Gromb. Dundee, John Leng and G", 1883.

Two Months in the Highlands, Orcadia, and Skye, by Charles Richard Weld. London, Longman Green etc., 1860.

A Descriptive Tour in Scotland, by the Rev. Chauncy Hare Townshend. London, Chapman and Hull, 1846.

Ardenmohr, Among the Hills, a record of Scenery and Sports in the Highlands of Scotland, by Samuel Abbot. London, Chapman and Hall, 1876.

Eldtnuir, an Art-Story of Scottish Home-Life Scenery and Licident, by Jacob Thompson. London, Samson Low, Marston, etc. 1879.

A Princess of Thule, by William Black. 2 vols. Leipzig, Tauchnitz, 1814.

A Daughter of Heth, by William Black. 2 vols. Leipzig, Tauchnitz, 1871.

While Heather, by William Black. 2 vols. Leipzig, Tauchnitz, 1886.

The Language and Literature of the Scottish Highlands, by John Stuart BlagkiEî Edinburgh, Edmonston and Douglas, 1816.

Altavona, fact and fiction from my Life in the Highlands, by John Stuart BlackiEi Edinburgh, David Douglas, 1882.

Crieff. Ils Traditions and Characters ivith anecdotes of Strathearn. Edinburgh, D. Macara, 1881.

Field and Fern or Scottish Flocks and Herds, by H. H. DixON. Rogerson and Tuxford, London, 1865.

Tourist's Guide to the Athole and Breadalbane Highlands of Perthshire. Edinburgh, John Menzies and C", 1883.

Shearer's Guide to Stirling and Neighbourhood. Stirling. R. S. Shearer, n. d.

Guide to Culloden Moor and Story of the Baille, by Peter Anderson. Edinburgh, John Menzies, 1814.

Wallace, the hero o/'Sco/ianrf, by James Paterson. Edinburgh, William P. Nimmo, n. d.

Histoire de Charles-Edouard, par Amédée Pichot, 2 vol. Paris, Ladvocat, 1830.