Page:Angellier - Robert Burns, II, 1893.djvu/447

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A Tour in Scotland and Voyage io the Hébrides MDCDLXXII (by K. Pennant) Loiidoii, printed by Benj. White, MCCXG.

Recollections of a Tour mnde in Scotland A. D. 1803, by Dorothy Wordsworth, ediled by J. G. Shairp. (second edilion). Ediiiburgh, Edmonstoa aud Douglas, 1874.

The Pirlure of Scotland, by Robert Ghambers, 2 vols. Edinburgh, William Tait, 182-7.

Scotland illustrated in a* séries of views taken expressly for this work by Messrs T. Allom, W. H. Barlett, and H. Mac Gulloch, by William Beattie, M. D., Grad. of the Univ. of Edin. M. R. C. P. London, etc., 2 vols. Londor», George

Virtue, 1837.

Remarks on the Scenery of Scotland, by John Wu.SON, prefixed to A History of the Scottish Highlands, edited by John S. Keltie, 2 vols. Edinburgh, FuUarton, 1875.

Oliver and Boyd's Scottish Tourist. Edinburgh, 1852.

Black' s Picturesque Tourist Guide of Scotland. Edinburgh, Adam and Charles Black, 1879.

Travels in Scotland, by J. G. Kôhl. London. Darling, 1851.

Paysages historiques et Illustrations de l'Ecosse et des Romans de Walter Scott, d'après les dessins de J. M. W. Turner, Balmer, Bentley, etc, 2 vols. Fisher, Fils et C". A Londres, à Paris et en Amérique, n. d.

Waverley Anecdotes, illustrating some of the Popular Characters, Scènes and Incidents in the Scottish Novels. 2 vols. London, James Gochrane, 1833. — A new édition Revised and Improved. 1 vol. London, Charles Daly, 1841.

Passages from the English Note-Books of Nathaniel Hawthorne. 2 vols. Tauch nitz, 1871.

L'Ecosse, jadis et aujourd'hui, par le comte L. Lafond. Paris, Calmann-Lévy, 1887.

Scènes in Scotland with Sketches and Illustrations, by James Harris Brown. Glasgow, printed for Richard Griffin, 1833.

Maxwell's Quide Book to the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, from the Nith to the Crée. Kirkcudbright, M. E. Maxwell, 1878.

The Enterkin, by John Brown. Edinburgh, Edmonston and Douglas, 1865.

Dryburgh Abbey, its Monks, and its Lords, Sfth édition. Printed for the Proprietor,


Melrose and its Environs, containing a short History and Description of the Abbeys of Melrose and Dryburgh, and of Abbotsford, by Williams Deans. Edinburgh, J.-B. Mould. n. d.

The History and Antiquities of Melrose, Old Melrose, and Dryburgh Abbeys, with a description of Abbotsford, Eildon Hills, etc. Melrose, Misses S. and G. Gameron, 1869.

Quiggtn's Guide to the Isle of Man. Quiggin, Douglas. Isle of Man, n. d.

A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland (by D'" Johnson). London, Printed for W. Strahan and T Gadell, 1775.