Page:Angellier - Robert Burns, II, 1893.djvu/436

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Burns in Dumfriesshire, a Sketch ofthe last eight^ Years ofthe Poet's Life, by William Mac Dowall. Edinburgh, Adam and Charles Black, IS^O.

Some Account of the Glenriddell Mss of Burns's Poems , with several poems never before published , edited by Hein-y A. Bright (printed for private distribution) Liverpool. Gilbert G. Walmsley, \81i. Nous avons l'exemplaire offert à Robert Garruthers d'Inverness, par William Scott Douglas.

Ghambers. Edinburgh Journal, n° 340, New Séries. Saturday July 6, 1850, A Heroine

of Burns.

Cet article est le compte-rendu de la communication faite par Scott Douglas à

propos de Mary Campbell. Il a été relié, avec quelques notes manuscrites de Scott

Douglas, dans notre copie de l'édition de Currie revue par Ghambers, qui était celle

de Scott Douglas.

Phrenological Development of Robert Burns, froni a cast of his skull moulded al Dum- fries, the 5/**- day of March 1834, with remarks by George GoxMBE, Author of « A System of Phrenology d, etc. Kdinburgh, W. et A. K. Johnson, 1859.

The Burns Calendar, a Manual of Burnsiana, relating events in the Poets's History, etc. Kilmarnock, James Mac Kie, 18*74.

Burnsiana : a collection of Literary Odds and Ends relating lo Robert Burns, compiled by John D. Ross. Paisley, Alexander Gardner, 1892.



A Pilgrimage lo Ihe Land of Burns, containing anecdotes ofthe Bard and ofthe charac- ters he immortalized. (By HuGH Ainslie) Deptford, 1822.

The Land of Burns, a séries of Landscapes and Portraits, illustrative of the Life and Writingsof the Scoitish Poet, by John Wilson and Robert Ghambers. The land - capes from painlings made expressly for the work by 1). G. Hill. 2 vols. Glasgow. Blackieand Son, 1840.

Ward and Lock's lUustraled Guide lo and Popular History of the Land of Burns. London. Ward, Lock and G", n. d.

Pater son' s Guide to Glasgow, the Clyde, and Land of Burns. Edinburgh, William Paterson, n. d.

Guide to Ayr and Ihe Land of Burns, Ayr, Printed and Pubiisiied'by H. Henry, n. d.

A Ramhle Among ihe Scenery of Burns (irom the Highland Nole-Book by R. Garru- thers. Inverness). Se trouve réimprimé dans l'édition de Blackie.

Bambles through the Land of Burns, by Arghibald R. Adamson. Kilmarnock. Dunlop and DreiHian, 18'79.

Ceci est un gentil livre, assez bien fait, aimable, et celui (ju'il convient le mieux d'emporter avec soi quand o.i va visiter le pays de Burns.

In Ayrshire. A Descriptive Picture ofthe Gounty of Ayr, by William Scott Douglas Kilmarnock. Mac Kie and Diennan, 1874.

Auld Ayr. At the office of the Ayr Observer, n. d.