Discussion module:CentralDiscussion

Title and task

  • The current modules are made for one language and one wiki. Small wikis do not have Lua-coders to translate them and can not enjoy them.
  • So I wrote a module able to translate them and more ...
  • To convert a module into a central module, you have to add some tables of arguments ... and replace the texts with their translation keys and their arguments.
  • For a new language, only add translations, in Module:Example/I18N, without any configuration.
  • The Phabricator task: T198107 Begin to use central modules is the start point of the deployment.
  • This task consist to begin to use central modules as described in the Central modules reference manual .
  • It is not for an alone Lua coder. My role is to transmit my know-how and to support others to adapt their most useful modules.
  • The sharing concern also to update documentations.
  • We must specialy take care of the stability .
  • This task continue until it will be shared by 7 Lua coders, in 7 projects, in 7 Languages.


  • It is used in the first Module:Central.
  • A dedicated library supports Lua-coders: the Library:activity and links to our modules and user pages.
  • We could discuss here to share this task.
  • When the central repositotry will become stable we will move all this cooperation in it.

Documentations and live examples

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