BAnQ/Émeutes de Québec de 1918/Témoignage de Francis D. Lafferty, Superintendant Dominion Arsenal

Émeutes de Québec de 1918 - Témoignage de Francis D. Lafferty, Superintendant Dominion Arsenal
(p. 1).

Témoignage de Francis D. Lafferty, Superintendant Dominion Arsenal[1]


FRANCIS D. LAFFERTY, of the city of Quebec, in the District of Quebec, Superintendent Dominion Arsenal, aged 41 years, being duly sworn doth depose and say.-


Q. Will you describe what your position is here in Quebec?

A. Superintendent Dominion Arsenal.

Q. As such have you a knowledge of ballistics?

A. Yes.

Q. Will you describe as shortly as possible the course of an ordinary rifle bullet?

A. I brought a bullet with me on purpose as I was told I was to give technical evidence. As soon as the propellant drives the bullet here (the inside of the barrel is engrooved) it commences to twist in this way (to the right) and at the same time it is moving up the barrel and it gets this motion and that motion (motion to the right and forward motion).

Q. Spinning motion?

R. Yes, rotary motion; but the center of gravity is not quite reached in this; therefore, for a bit, for a short time after it leaves the muzzle it is going more or less like this way. I cannot describe it any better than I can show it.

Q. Wobbling?

A. Sort of wobbling, until it gets sufficiently far on its motion to steady it down and then it goes on straight. It is just exactly the same as the small boy with a top. When he pulls the string to start the top it wobbles around and settles down to a steady spin.

  1. Titre ajouté par Wikisource pour fin de présentation.