Auteur:Thomas Love Peacock
Thomas Love Peacock
poète satirique et romancier anglais
- Headlong Hall
- 1817 : Anthélia Mélincourt ou Les enthousiastes — Melincourt
- 1818 : L’Abbaye du cauchemar (Nightmare Abbey)
- 1826 : Robin Hood, ou La forêt de Sherwood (Maid Marian, 1822) gallica
- 1829 : Les Malheurs d’Elphin (The Misfortunes of Elphin)
- 1831 : Crotchet Castle
- 1861 : Gryll Grange
- The Monks of St. Mark (1804?)
- Palmyra and other Poems (1805)
- The Genius of the Thames: a Lyrical Poem (1810)
- The Genius of the Thames Palmyra and other Poems (1812)
- The Philosophy of Melancholy (1812)
- Sir Hornbook, or Childe Launcelot’s Expedition (1813)
- Sir Proteus: a Satirical Ballad (1814)
- The Round Table, or King Arthur’s Feast (1817)
- Rhododaphne: or the Thessalian Spirit (1818)
- Paper Money Lyrics (1837)
- The Four Ages of Poetry (1820)
- Recollections of Childhood: The Abbey House (1837)
- Memoirs of Shelley (1858-60)
- The Last Day of Windsor Forest (1887, compsé en 1862)
- Prospectus: Classical Education
Œuvres dramatiques
- The Three Doctors
- The Dilettanti
- Gl’Ingannati, or The Deceived (traduit de l’italien en anglais en 1862)