« Module:Wikibase » : différence entre les versions

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Aucun résumé des modifications
restauration : merci de faire les tests dans un module de test, et ne changer le module principal que quand tout est fonctionnel, et de ne pas oublier de migrer les modèles qui dépendent du module
Ligne 1 :
--Utility functions
local export = {}
function getEntity(frame)
if frame.args.id then
local _upper = string.upper;
return mw.wikibase.getEntity(frame.args.id)
local _sub = string.sub;
return mw.wikibase.getEntity()
local _tp = mw and mw.title;{}
local _t_getCurrentTitle = _t and _t.getCurrentTitle;
-- Returns the item ID of the item linked to the current page.
local _wb = mw.wikibase; --assert( _wb, 'no mw.wikibase' ); // ce test n'est pas activé!
function p.id(frame)
local _wb_getEntity = _wb and _wb.getEntity;
return mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage()
local _wb_getEntityObject = _wb and _wb.getEntityObject;
local _wb_getEntityIdForCurrentPage = _wb and _wb.getEntityIdForCurrentPage;
local _wb_label = _wb and _wb.label;
local _wb_description = _wb and _wb.description;
local _wb_sitelink = _wb and _wb.sitelink;
local _wb_getSitelink = _wb and _wb.getSitelink;
-- Return the item ID of the item linked to the current page.
-- frame: unused (implicit)
function _id( frame )
-- return _wb and _wb.getEntityIdForCurrentPage()
local object = _wb_getEntityObject and _wb_getEntityObject();
return object and object.id;
export.id = _id;
-- Returns thea titlesitelink of thea Wikidatagiven pagedata for the entityitem.
-- @param string|nil id the item id (default: the item linked to the current page)
function _title( frame )
-- @param string|nil site the site (default: the current site)
local args = frame.arg;
function p.sitelink(frame)
local id = args.id or args[1] or _id( frame )
if idframe.args.site then
idlocal entity = _uppergetEntity(idframe)
if entity then
local id1 = _sub(id, 1, 1)
return entity:getSitelink(frame.args.site)
if id1 == 'Q' then
return 'd:' .. id
elseif id1 == 'P' then
if frame.args.id then
return 'd:Property:' .. id
return mw.wikibase.sitelink(frame.args.id)
return mw.title.getCurrentTitle().fullText
return '<span class="error">Unknown entity id: ' .. id .. '</span>'
export.title = _title;
-- Returns a description for the current page or from a Wikibase ID
-- Return the label of a given data item, or of connected page
function p.label(frame)
-- if no argument is provided to this method.
if frame.args.id then
function _label( frame )
local args = return mw.wikibase.label(frame.args;.id)
local id = args.id or args[1] or _id( frame );
return _wb_label and _wb_labelmw.wikibase.label( id );
export.label = _label;
-- ReturnReturns thea description offor athe givencurrent data item,page or offrom connecteda pageWikibase ID
function p.description(frame)
-- if no argument is provided to this method.
if frame.args.id then
function _description( frame )
local args = return mw.wikibase.description(frame.args;.id)
local id = args.id or args[1] or _id( frame );
return mw.wikibase.description()
return _wb_description and _wb_description( id );
export.description = _description;
-- ReturnReturns the localtitle pageof aboutthe awiki given data item, orpage of connectedthe pageentity
function p.title(frame)
-- if id is not specified.
id = frame.args.id or mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage()
function _page( frame )
if not id then
local args = frame.args;
return nil
local id = args.id or args[1] or _id( frame );
return _wb_sitelink and _wb_sitelink( id );
id = string.upper(id)
if string.sub(id, 1, 1) == 'Q' then
export.page = _page;
return 'd:' .. id
elseif string.sub(id, 1, 1) == 'P' then
-- Returns a sitelink of a given data item.
return 'd:Property:' .. id
-- @param string|nil id the item id (default: the item linked to the current page)
-- @param string|nil site the site (default: the current site)
function _sitelink(frame)
local args = frame.args;
local id = args.id or args[1] or _id( frame );
local site = args.site or args[2];
if site then
assert( _id );
local entity = _wb_getEntity and _wb_getEntity( id );
return entity and _wb_getSitelink and _wb_getSitelink( entity, site );
elseif id then
return _wb_sitelink and _wb_sitelink( id );
return '<span class="error">Unknown entity id: ' .. id .. '</span>'
return _t_getCurrentTitle and _t_getCurrentTitle().fullText;
export.sitelink = _sitelink;
return exportp