« Through the kind intervention of M. d’Abbadie, the well-known Membre de l’Institut, I have received from the padre Fidel Fita, S. J., the numbers (March 28-May 14) of the Ilustracion Católica of Madrid, in which, under the title « Recuerdos de un Viaje », he gives on account of the Mss. preserved at Compostella in Gallicia, and especially of the « Codice de Calixto II », in the fifth and last book of which occurs the now celebrated vocabulary of some twenty Basque words. The Ms. is described as a « codicem a domno papa Calixto primilus editum », and opens with a letter from the Pope dated from the Lateran Palace, January 13 (1121 ?) ; but this letter refers, most probably, to the first book only, which countains extracts from the Fathers, etc., for daily devotional reading. The Ms. also claims to have been presented at Rome (1139 ?) and to have received the sanction of Innocent II and his cardinals, whose letter of approbation is given by P. Fita from the Ms. The Ms. was probably brought to Compostella by the définitive author, Aymeric, a priest of Iscan, a dependence of the Abbey of Vezelai, about 1143. In 1173 the ms. was seen at Compostella by Arnoldo del Monte, a monk of Ripoll in Catalonia. He copied books 2, 3 and 4, and made extracts from the others. This copy was taken from Ripoll by Baluze, and is now in the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, vol. 372 of the Coll. Bal. This text was published in 1878 by M. L. Delisle, membre de l’Institut (Note sur le Recueil intitulé : De miraculis Sancti Jacobi).