Page:Tarsot - Fabliaux et Contes du Moyen Âge 1913.djvu/157

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hériter (de), to inherit.

héritier, héritiere, heir, heiress.

une héroine, heroine,

un heros, hero.

herser, to harrow,

une heure, hour, time ; de bonne heure, early ; tout a l’heure, presently, very soon.

heureusement, happily, luckily, fortunately, without accident.

heureux, happy.

se heurter, to knock.

hier, yesterday ; hier au soir, last night,

une hirondelle, swallow,

une histoire, story,

une historiette, story, tale,

un hiver, winter,

un hommage, homage,

un homme, man ; homme de bien, well-doing man.

honnete, honest ; civil,

decent, genteel ; kind,

un honneur, honour.

  • honnir, to revile.

honorer, to honour ; s’honorer (de) , to deem it an honour (to).

la *honte, shame ; faire honte (a), to put to shame.

  • honteusement, shamefully.
  • honteux, ashamed ; abashed.

l’horreur, /., abomination.

  • hors (de), out (of); hors

d’etat (de), unfit (to) ; hors de lui-meme, beside himself.

l’hospitalite, /., hospitality, un hote, host ; guest ; land-lord.

un hotelier, inn-keeper,

la *housse, horse-cloth,

la *houssine, switch,

la *huche, bin, trough.

  • hue ! gee up 1

humblement, humbly,

humecter, to wet, moisten,

humilier, to humiliate, to humble ; humilie, ashamed.

un hymen (imen), marriage,

hypocrite, hypocritical.

ici, here ; ici bas, here below,

une idee, idea, notion.

ignorer, to be ignorant of, not to know,

imaginer, to imagine; s’imaginer, to fancy,

un imitateur, imitator, follower,

s’impatienter, to grow impatient, angry.

unpayable, invaluable, inestimable.

impetueux, impetuous,

importer (a), to concern, to be of moment (to) ; peu m’importe, I care little.

importuner, to trouble,

imprimer, to impress, to imprint.

inalterable, unalterable.

incertain, uncertain, doubtful,

une inclination, bent, tendency disposition.

s’incliner, to bend low.

incommode, in the way.

incomparable, incomparable, unexcelled,

inconnu, unknown,

un inconnu, stranger, unknown.

incroyable, incredible.

un indigene, native.

indigne, unworthy.

l’industrie, /., industry, diligence.

inebranlable, firm, undaunted.

inespere, unlocked for.